Chen Liang
Dr.Chen Liang
Address:222 Tianshui SouthRoad, Lanzhou,730000, Gansu, China
2002.09 - 2006.06:Lanzhou University of Technology, Metal Material, Bachelor;
2006.09 - 2009.10:Lznzhou University, Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics, Master;
2009.10 - 2011.10:University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Nuclear Engineering, Joint Doctoral Student
2011.11 - 2013.06:Lanzhou University, Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics, Doctor
Profession Experiences:
2011.10 - 2013.06:Lanzhou University, Assistant
2013.07 - Now: Lanzhou University, Lecturer
Teaching Experiences:
Undergraduate Course: Nuclear Engineering, C Programming Language, Engineering Drawing
Graduate Course: Nuclear Engineering, Lectures on Nuclear Science and Technology
Research Interests:
Radiation Effects in Nuclear Materials
Materials for Nuclear Waste Management
Interactions of Radiation With Matter
Research Projects and Publications:
Research Projects: more than 10 research projects have been chaired or participated;
Publications: Up to now, 19 referred research papers(16 in SCI indexed journals)