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Li Bowen


Dr. Bowen LI
Title Associate Prof.
Professional Employment
2014.01 – Associate Prof., Lanzhou University
2014.12 – Master Mentor, Lanzhou University
2010.09 – 2013.12
PhD: Physics University College Dublin (UCD) Dec, 2013
2007.09 – 2010.06
M.Sc: Physics Northwest Normal University June, 2010
2003.09 - 2007.06
B.Sc: Physics education Northwest Normal University, June,2007
Research Interest
1)Laser-produced plasma
2)The properties of atomic and molecular and dynamical processes
1)Method of Mathematical Physics (Undergraduate students)
2)Scientific method and literacy (Master students)
Representative Publications:
1)Y Li, X Xu, B Li#, P J?nsson, X Chen, Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of energy levels and radiative rates of Fe VII, MNRAS, 479 (2018) 1260-1266.
2)B Li#, G O’Sullivan, C Dong, X Chen, Dielectronic recombination of tungsten ions, JPhysB, 49 (2016) 155201
3)B Li#, G O'Sullivan, C Dong, Relativistic R-matrix calculation photoionization cross section of Xe and Xe@C60, JPhysB, 46 (2013) 155203
4)B Li#, T Higashiguchi, T Otsuka, W Jiang, A Endo, P Dunne, G O'Sullivan, “Water window” sources: Selection based on the interplay of spectral properties and multilayer reflection bandwidth, APL, 102 (2013) 041117