Ding Jingjie

Ding Jingjie
E-mail: dingjj@lzu.edu.cn
Phone: +86 17789622998
Address:222 Tianshui SouthRoad, Lanzhou,730000, Gansu, China
2008:Lanzhou University, School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Bachelor;
2011:Lanzhou University, School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Master;
2015:University of CAEN, CIMAP-GANIL Labortory, Doctor
Profession Experiences:
2016 - Present: Lanzhou University, Lecturer
Teaching Experiences:
C Programming Language, General Physics 2/2
(1) JingJie Ding, PengJi Ding, ZuoYe Liu*, BiTao Hu*, Energy exchange process among multiple filamentary femtosecondlaser beams in air, SCIENCE CHINAPhysics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2016,59 (3): 633001-633002
(2) Jingjie Ding, Zuoye Liu*, Shaohua Sun, Yanchao Shi and Bitao Hu*,Spatiotemporal pulse-splitting of afilamentary femtosecond laser pulse viamulti-filament interaction, Laser Phys.,2015, 25: 105401-105405
(3)丁晶洁,王全军,刘作业*,胡碧涛*, He原子体系中偶极子响应的周期性量子相位调控的理论研究,物理学报, 2015, 64(24): 243201~243206
(4) J. J. Ding,P. Boduch, A, Domaracka, S. Guillous, T. Langlinay, X. Y. Lv, M. E. Palumbo, H, Rothard, G. Strazzulla*,Implantation of multiply charged sulfur ions in water ice, ICARUS, 2013, 226: 860-864
(5) E. Dartois*, J. J. Ding, A. L. F. de Barros, P. Boduch, R. Brunetto, M. Chabot, A. Domaracka, M. Godard, X. Y. Lv, C. F. Mejia Guaman, T. Pino, H. Rothard, E. F. de Silveira, J. C. Thomas, Swift heavy ion irradiation of water ice from MeV to GeV energies-Approaching true cosmic ray compaction, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013,557: A97-A104