Wu Wangsuo

Wangsuo WU
Personal Detail
Sex: Male
Nationality: Chinese
Foreign language: English (fluent); French (primary)
Address:School of nuclear science and technology,
Lanzhou University, No.222, South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Tel.:+ (86) 931 8913541
Prof. WU has broad experience in the nuclear industry and in radiochemistry and radiation chemistry, expert at the safe and secure management of the backend of nuclear fuel cycle. In addition to his technical and management experience, Prof. WU has an extensive experience in working with international partners, in particular, in the Western countries (USA, France, Denmark, Spain……) and East Asia region (Japan, South Korea…), teaching “Management of Backend Nuclear Fuel Cycle” at the School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University.
Relevant experience and Present Employment
2003-present Prof., Radiochemistry Lab., School of Nuclear Science and Technology,Lanzhou University.
2003-2004 Research Scholar, Institut de Physique Nuclear (IPN), Centre National de Recherch et Scientific(CNRS).Universite de Paris Sud, Onze, Orsay, France
1996-2002Assoc. Prof., Radiochemistry Lab., LanzhouUniversity.
1989-1995 Lecturer, Radiochemistry Lab., Lanzhou University.
1985-1988 Res. Assoc., Radiochemistry Lab., Lanzhou University.
Academic background
1995-1999 Received Ph.D degree in Radiochemistry for a thesis entitled “Study on the Treatment and Disposal of Nuclear Wastes”. Lanzhou University.
1982-1985Received M.S. degree in Radiochemistry for a thesis entitled “Study on the Chemical Method Enrichment of Isotopes”. Lanzhou University.
1978-1982Received B.S. degree in Chemistry, Lanzhou University.
Research field
Clarification of ion-exchange properties of various nuclides in organic and inorganicion-exchangers (zeolites, insoluble ferrocyanides, AMP, AWP, ZrP, etc.).
Chromatographic separation of Radionuclides by using ion-exchange column and solvent extraction.
Environmental radiochemical analysis of radionuclides.
Development of advanced nuclide separation system.
Sorption and desorption of radionuclides on oxides, zeolites, clay soil, etc
Scientific Societies and Awards
Member of the Nuclear Society of China.
Member of the Chemical Society of China.
Key member of the Nuclear and Radiochemistry Society of China.
Awarded Science and Technology Progress Prizes from Gansu Province (1999, 1988, 1986)
Awarded China Education Prize from Baoshan Iron and Steel Group Company (2001).
Awarded Education Prize from Gansu Province (2008, 2012).
Academic Contribution
Member of Technical Committee of Education in Nuclear Science and Technology of China (2004-).
Member of Acdemic Committee of Lanzhou University.
Chairman of Acdemic Committee, School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University.
Dean, School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University.
Representative Publications (2010 to present)
1.Shudi Liu, Liangwei Zhang, Panpan Zhou, Ying Yang, Wangsuo Wu*. Distinctive fluoride fluorescent probes with ratiometriccharacteristics combinate desilylation, hydrogen bond and ESIPTprocess: Spectral and mechanistic studies. Sensors and Actuators B, 2018, 255: 401-407.
2.Hanyu Wu, Shirong Qiang, Qiaohui Fan, Xiaolan Zhao, Peng Liu, Ping Li, Jianjun Liang, Wangsuo Wu*. Exploring the relationship between Th(IV) adsorption and the structure alteration of phlogopite. Appl. Clay Sci., 2018, 152: 295-302.
3.Zhen Xu, Duoqiang Pan, Yalou Sun, Wangsuo Wu*. Stability of GMZ bentonite colloids: Aggregation kinetic and reversibility study. Appl. Clay Sci., 2018, 161: 436-443.
4.Duoqiang Pan, Fuyou Fan, Yuecheng Wang, Ping Li, Peizhuo Hu, Qiaohui Fan, Wangsuo Wu*. Retention of Eu(III) in muscovite environment: Batch and spectroscopic studies. Chem. Eng. J., 2017, 330: 559-565.
5.Shudi Liu, Ying Yang, Tonghuan Liu, Wangsuo Wu*. Recovery of uranium(VI) from aqueous solution by 2-picolylamine functionalized poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) resin. J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 2017, 497: 385-392.
6.Yin Zhuoxin, Pan Duoqiang*, Li Ping, Liu Peng, Wu Hanyu, Wu Wangsuo*, Retardation of hexavalent uranium in muscovite environment: a batch study, Radiochim. Acta, 2018, 106: 559-567.
7.Fan Fuyou, Pan Duoqiang, Wu Hanyu, Zhang Tianjiao, Wu Wangsuo, Succinamic Acid Grafted Nanosilica for the Adsorption of U(VI) from Aqueous Solution, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56 (8): 2221–2228.
8.Peng Liu, Ni Yuan, Wei Xiong, Hanyu Wu, Duoqiang Pan, Wangsuo Wu*, Removal of Nickel(II) from Aqueous Solutions Using Synthesized β-Zeolite and Its Ethylenediamine Derivative, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56 (11): 3067–3076.
9.Zhang Hongxia, Wang Xiaoyun, Lianghonghong, Tan Tianshe, Wu Wangsuo, Adsorption behavior of Th(IV) onto illite: effect of contact time, pH value, ionic strength, humic acid and temperature, Appl. clay Sci., 2016, 127-128: 35-43.
10.Keliang Shi, Xiaolin Hou, Jixin Qiao, Xuejie Sun, Per Roos, Wangsuo Wu, Analysis of technetium species and fractions in natural seaweed using biochemical separation and ICP-MS measurement, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88: 11931-11937.
11.Bo Liu, Keliang Shi, Gaoyang Ye, Zhijun Guo, Wangsuo Wu*, Method development for plutonium analysis in environmental water samples using TEVA micro-extraction chromatography separation and low background liquid scintillation counter measurement, Microchem. J., 2016, 124:824-830.
12.Qiang Wu, Lingxin Huang, Zhan Li, Wenzhen An, Dan Liu, Jin Lin, Longlong Tian, Xinling Wang, Bo Liu, Wei Qi, Wangsuo Wu*, The Potential Application of Raw Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles as CT Photographic Developer, Nanoscale Res. Lett., 2016, 11:232.
13.Wu H.Y., Li P., Pan D.Q., Yin Z.X., Fan Q.H., Wu W.S., Interactions between Silicon Oxide Nanoparticles (SONPs) and U(VI) Contaminations: Effects of pH, Temperature and Natural Organic Matters, Plos One, 2016, 11(3): e0149632.
14.Xu Qinghua, Ding Sanyuan, Pan Duoqiang, *Wu Wangsuo, 2015, A multisite-functionalised polymer for the extraction of thorium(IV) from water. RSC Advances, 5: 39903-39907.
15.Li Ping, Liu Zhi, Ma Feng, Shi Quanlin, Guo Zhijun, *Wu Wangsuo, 2015, Effects of pH, ionic strength and humic acid on the sorption of neptunium(V) to Na–bentonite. J. Molecul. Liq., 206: 285-292.
16.Wei Qi, Juanjuan Bi, Xiaoyong Zhang, Jing Wang, Jianjun Wang, Peng Liu, Zhan Li, *Wangsuo Wu, 2014, Damaging effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on pregnant mice with different pregnancy times. Scientific Reports, 4:4352.
17.Liansheng Wu, Yuanlv Ye, Fuqiang Liu, Cunmin Tan, Huan Liu, Shaofei Wang, JingWang, Wujing Yi, *Wangsuo Wu. 2013, Organo-bentonite-Fe3O4 poly(sodium acrylate) magneticsuperabsorbent nanocomposite: Synthesis, characterization, and Thorium(IV) adsorption. Appl. Clay Sci. 83–84: 405–414.
18.Qiaohui Fan, L.M. Hao, C.L. Wang, Z. Zheng, C.L. Liu, and *W.S. Wu. 2013, The adsorption behavior of 1 U(VI) on granite.Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 16:534-541.
19.Qi Wei, Li Zhan, Bi Juanjuan, Wang Jing, Wang Jianjun, Sun Taoli, Guo Yi’an and *Wu Wangsuo, 2012, Biodistribution of co-exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes and nanodiamonds in mice, Nanoscale Research Letters 2012, 7:473.
20.Shi, Keliang, Qiao, Jixin, Wu, Wangsuo, Roos, Per, *Hou, Xiaolin, 2012, Rapid Determination of Technetium-99 in Large Volume Seawater Samples Using Sequential Injection Extraction Chromatographic Separation and ICP-MS Measurement, Analytical Chemistry, 84(15): 6783-6789.
21.Shi, Keliang, *Hou, Xiaolin, Roos, Per, Wu, Wangsuo, 2012, Determination of technetium-99 in environmental samples: A review, Anal. Chim. Acta, 709: 1-20.
22.Xu, Jun-zheng, *Fan, Qiao-hui, Niu, Zhi-wei, Li, Yan, Li, Ping, *Wu, Wang-suo, 2012, Studies of Eu(III) rption on TiO2: Effects of pH, humic acid and poly(acrylic acid), Chem. Eng. J., 179: 186-192.
23.Pan, Duo-Qiang, *Fan, Qiao-Hui, Li, Ping, Liu, Sheng-Ping, *Wu, Wang-Suo, 2011, Sorption of Th(IV) on Na-bentonite: Effects of pH, ionic strength, humic substances and temperature, Chem. Eng. J., 172(2-3): 898-905.
24.Pan, Duoqiang, Fan, Qiaohui, Ding, Kefei, Li, Ping, Lu, Yan, Yu, Tao, Xu, Jiang, *Wu, Wangsuo, 2011, The sorption mechanisms of Th(IV) on attapulgite, Sci. China Chem., 54(7): 1138-1147.
25.Li, Z., Qi, W., Geng, Y.X., Pan, D.Q., Lu, Y., Xu, J.Z., *Wu, W.S., 2011, Effect of MWCNTs on Gastric Emptying in Mice, Nanoscale Res. Lett., 6(1): 1-7.
26.Fan, Qiao-hui, Li, Ping, Chen, Yun-fei, *Wu, Wang-suo, 2011, Preparation and application of attapulgite/iron oxide magnetic composites for the removal of U(VI) from aqueous solution, J. Hazard.Mater., 192(3): 1851-1859.
27.Fan, Q.H., Tan, X.L., Li, J.X., *Wang, X.K., *Wu, W.S., Montavon, G., 2009/8/1, Sorption of Eu(III) on Attapulgite Studied by Batch, XPS, and EXAFS Techniques, Environ.Sci. Technol., 43(15): 5776-5782.
28.Fan, Qiaohui, Shao, Dadong, Lu, Yi, Wu, Wangsuo, *Wang, Xiangke, 2009/7/15, Effect of pH, ionic strength, temperature and humic substances on the sorption of Ni(II) to Na-attapulgite, Chem. Eng. J., 150(1): 188-195.
29.Fan, Qiaohui, Li, Zhan, Zhao, Haogui, Jia, Zehong, Xu, Junzheng, *Wu, Wangsuo, 2009/7, Adsorption of Pb(II) on palygorskite from aqueous solution: Effects of pH, ionic strength and temperature, Appl. Clay Sci., 45(3): 111-116.
30.Wu, Wangsuo, *Fan, Qiaohui, Xu, Junzheng, Niu, Zhiwei, Lu, Songsheng, 2007, Sorption-desorption of Th(IV) on attapulgite: Effects of pH, ionic strength and temperature, Appl. Radiat. Isot., 65(10): 1108-1114.