Navid Abbasi

Prof. Navid Abbasi
Full Professor
School of Science and Technology, Lanzhou University
Research area
Non-equilibrium dynamics in quantum many-body systems
a) Relativistic hydrodynamics
b) Kinetic theory
c) Finite temperature quantum field theory
d) String /Guage duality
Ph.D. (2009-2013): Physics
Sharif university of technology, Tehran, Iran
Thesis title: “The heavy quark energy loss in QGP from fluid/gravity duality”
M.S. (2007-2009): Physics
Sharif university of technology, Tehran, Iran
Thesis title: “Hawking radiation of a dilatonic black hole”
B.S. (1997-2001): Civil engineering
Sharif university of technology, Tehran, Iran
Working experience
As a researcher: (2014-2019)
Postdoc in the school of particles and accelerators, IPM, Tehran, Iran
As a lecturer:
1) Lecturer of the course “Statistical Mechanics” for B.S students,
School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Fall 2019
2) Lecturer of the 1/3 of the course “AdS/CFT” for Ph.D. students,
department of physics, Sharif university of technology, Tehran, Spring 2018
3) Lecturer of the course “Hydrodynamics” for M.S. students,
department of physics, Sharif university of technology, Tehran, Fall 2017
4) Lecturer of the course “elementary particle physics” for M.S students,
department of physics, Sharif university of technology, Tehran, Spring 2017
5) Lecturer of the Pre-Course “Group theory for particle physics” for Ph.D. students,
department of physics, Sharif university of technology, Tehran, Fall 2012
6) Lecturer of some parts (Renormalization topic) of the courses “QFT I and QFT II” for Ph.D. students, department of physics, Sharif university of technology, Tehran, 2011
As a leader of a research group:
Being leader of the high energy theory-pheno group in the school of Particles and accelerators, IPM (Tehran), (2018-2019); the group constituted of one Ph.D. student and 9 undergrad students of Sharif university of technology together with one P.D.
As the advisor of the students:
1) Kasra Hejazi, one common paper published in PLB 2015
Kasra has been the Ph.D. student in UCSB since 2016.
2) Kiarash Naderi, one common paper published in JHEP 2018
Kiarash has been a graduate student in EPFL since 2019.
3) Omid Tavakol, two common papers both published in JHEP 2018, 2019
Omid has been the graduate student in the university of Toronto since 2019.
4) Armin Ghazi, one common paper published in JHEP 2019
Armin has been the Ph.D. student in SUT since 2018.
As the organizer of workshops and conferences:
1) 'IPM half-day Workshop Hydrodynamics and Chiral Transport', 27/4/2019
2) 'IPM International Conference in String Theory', 21-25/4/2019
3) 'IPM Workshop on recent progress in the Hydrodynamics and Quantum Chaos', 23/1/2019
4) 'IPM Workshop on Collective Phenomena and Heavy Ion Physics (CPHIP)',11/1/2018
5) 'IPM Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology', 17/2/2016
6) '23-rd IPM Physics Spring Conference', 19-20/5/2016
Membership in committees:
1) Member of the committee for educating and selecting the “Iran International Team of Physics Olympiad', since 2016
2) Member of Iran physics society, since 2012
As the teacher of the Iran International Team of Physics Olympiad:
1) Teaching the Hydrodynamics course to the Students participating in IPHO(2017), Switzerland.
2) Teaching the Hydrodynamics course to the Students participating in IPHO(2019).
Honors & Awards
1) Being awarded the 'Freydoon Mansouri's fellowship 2012' in string theory.
2) 4th rank in Iranian University Entrance Exam, M.S. level physics, 2007.
3) 17th rank in Iranian University Entrance Exam (Concurs), among more than 350,000 participants, 1997.
1) N. Abbasi, F. Taghinavaz, O. Tavakol
Magneto-transport in an anomalous fluid with weakly broken symmetries in weak and strong regime,
JHEP arXiv:1812.11310 [hep-th].
2) N. Abbasi, R. Ghazi F. Taghinavaz, O. Tavakol
“Magneto-Transport in a Chiral Fluid from Kinetic Theory',
JHEP arXiv:1811.05532 (2019) 051, arXiv:1811.05532 [hep-th].
3) N. Abbasi, K. Naderi. F. Taghinavaz
“Hydrodynamic Excitations from Chiral Kinetic Theory and the Hydrodynamic Frames,'
JHEP 03 (2018) arXiv:1712.06175 [hep-th].
4) N. Abbasi, D. Allahbakhasi, A. Davody and S.F. Taghavi
“Standardised Cumulants of Flow Harmonic Fluctuations”
Phys. Rev. C 98 (2018) 024906 arXiv:1704.06295 [nucl-th]
5)N. Abbasi, D. Allahbakhasi, A. Davody and S.F. Taghavi
“Collective Excitations in QCD Plasma'
Phys. Rev. D 96, 126002 (2017) [arXiv:1612.08614[nucl-th]].
6)N. Abbasi, A. Davody, Kasra. Hejazi and Z. Rezaei
“Hydrodynamic Waves in an Anomalous Charged Fluid'
Phys. Lett. B 762 (2016) 23-32 [ arXiv:1509.08878 [hep-th]].
7)N. Abbasi and A. Davody
“Dissipative Charged Fluid in a Magnetic Field,'
Phys. Lett. B 756 (2016) 161-165 [arXiv:1508.06879 [hep-th]].
8)N. Abbasi and A. Davody
“Monte Carlo Computation of Spectral Density Function in Real-Time Scalar Field Theory,'
Int. J. Mod. Phys.A 30, 1550205 (2015) arXiv:1410.7956 [hep-ph].
9) N. Abbasi and A. Davody,
“Moving Quark in a General Fluid Dynamical Flow,'
JHEP 1312 (2013) 026 [arXiv:1310.4105 [hep-th]].
10)N. Abbasi and A. Davody
“Moving Quark in a Viscous Fluid'
JHEP 1206 (2012) 065 arXiv:1202.2737 [hep-th].